Rezensionen zu: SYM Jet 4 RX 50i

Datum: Freitag, 24. Oktober 2014
Autor: Gast
Rezensionen zu: SYM Jet 4 RX 50i


I know, right? Not many of my friends, haldry any really, and just one of my brothers are in to Switchfoot. So whenever I try to talk about them they just tease me and don't want to listen so that's why I'm so thankful for LOBH! I can actually talk to poeple about Switchfoot and not get made fun of and ignored! And Gracie I know what you mean! Just cause someone goes to a Christian school does not mean they're a Christian. I know some poeple who went to or are going to a Christian school and, well, they're not very Christ-like. It makes me sad too

Bewertung:5 von 5 Sternen!

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