Rezensionen zu: Vespa Primavera 50

Datum: Donnerstag, 23. Oktober 2014
Autor: Gast
Rezensionen zu: Vespa Primavera 50


I can't believe that even thoguh we have Bible class every other day, people in our class still reject Christ. I couldnt imagine life without God and Jesus there with you even when you know you screwed up BIG time. People just choose to live life blind, and it makes me so angry when your at a Christian school and the opportunity is given to you everyday to accept Christ, you have the privilege to worship God, yet you deny it? I hear about incidents where people go through tragedies like divorces, deaths, etc. and they lose their faith in God, but while I've had four deaths in my family in the past 2 years (my grandma, uncle, cousin, and yes, my dog) the most painful being my cousin getting killed on her way home from prom I think, by a drunk driver, it only made my relationship with God stronger. It made me realize that everyone's going to die, but Jesus will always be there for me.

Bewertung:5 von 5 Sternen!

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